Have You Been Charged With DWI?
Why You Need the Expertise of an Experienced Attorney
In Texas, even on a first DWI offense, you face the possibility of spending up to 180 days in jail, up to a one year driver's license suspension, up to $2,000 in fines, and a DWI surcharge from the state of Texas of $1,000 per year for three years, and that's just for a first time offense without any aggravating circumstances – circumstances that worsen the penalties that you face. This doesn't include the permanent criminal record and the skyrocketing insurance premiums that go hand in hand with a DWI conviction.
Did you know that once you are convicted of a crime, that pesky criminal conviction makes it exceedingly difficult for one to obtain educational loans, certain professional licenses, housing and worst of all, employment? Many employers refuse to hire someone with a criminal record regardless of what they were convicted for. This means that just one DWI conviction can alter the course of your life permanently, and this potential outcome should be avoided at all costs.
DWI charges just so happen to be the one offense that is often committed by normal, everyday people who don't have a criminal record. Most people that are arrested for DWI not only have a lot to lose, but they are often productive citizens with jobs and families depending upon them. That said, it's extremely important that you hire the best Fort Worth DWI attorney that you can find to protect your freedom and the future of your driver's license, because your livelihood depends on it.
Why We Are Different
Many people mistakenly believe that once they're arrested for DWI, there's nothing that can be done about it. This school of thought is far from the truth, there is something you can do to fight your DWI charges. At The Alband Law Firm, our founder, Navid Alband is not only a skilled DWI defense attorney, but he is also a former Fort Worth Prosecutor. He spent five years prosecuting cases in County Courts 4, 6, and 10, as well as the 372nd District Court of Texas, Criminal District Court 1, the 323rd District Juvenile Court, and in the Fort Worth Grand Jury. Over his legal career, he has tried over 100 cases to a jury.
You can count on the fact that not only does he have an insider perspective when it comes to how DWI cases are prosecuted, but he also has extensive experience defending DWI cases all throughout the local courts.
Challenging DWI Evidence
We handle our cases from a unique perspective, we look at them from the point of view that our clients are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and even then, we exhaustively search for any mitigating circumstances that can act in our clients' favor. All criminal cases are at risk of being bungled, and mistakes can be made anywhere beginning with the initial police stop, to the field sobriety tests, to how evidence was collected.
It's our job to conduct a meticulous investigation of our own into your case beginning with whether or not law enforcement had probable cause to pull you over in the first place. In the past, Fort Worth DWI attorney Navid Alband has successfully challenged DWI evidence and in doing so, he has managed to help our clients retain their driver's licenses, pay lesser fines, and avoid a criminal conviction altogether.
Experience counts when it matters most, let former Fort Worth Prosecutor Navid Alband challenge your DWI case; contact us today to arrange your consultation with a member of our legal team.

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