Fort Worth ALR Lawyer
Administrative License Revocation in Texas
Since 1995, the Texas Department of Public Safety has administered the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Process, a controversial process by which a driver arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) can have his or her driver's license administratively suspended, which is the immediate revocation of the offender's driver's license who receives in return a temporary license that will expire in 40 days. The controversial part of this process is that it considered is a civil, not a criminal, proceeding.
The driver arrested for DWI will still face criminal charges and penalties if found guilty in the criminal courts. The driver then has only 15 days to request a hearing to contest the ALR. If you were arrested for DUI and lost your driver's license through the ALR process, it's is vital that you contact a Fort Worth DWI attorney as quickly as possible to request the hearing and address your DUI criminal charges as well.
Hearing for the Administrative License Revocation (ALR)
Based on implied consent law, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) can administratively revoke a person's driver's license if, during an arrest for DWI, the offender either refuses to submit to blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) testing or if the offender fails the BAC according to DWI laws. In order to contest the ALR, the offender has 15 days to request a hearing.
At the hearing in civil court, our knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can assist in both the civil hearing and the criminal DWI charges you're facing. Our legal firm has extensive experience with ALR hearings and defending DWI and may be able to reduce or eliminate completely the license suspension under ALR. We can also provide valuable insight and direction on how best to proceed with your DWI charges.

A member of our team will be in touch shortly to confirm your contact details or address questions you may have.