Fort Worth Marijuana Charges Lawyer
Texas is Tough on Marijuana Offenses
Texas rightfully has a tough reputation for its laws regarding marijuana use, sale and possession. Being caught with even very small amounts can put you in jail for six months. As in many other states, the severity of punishment increases rapidly with the amount and weight of the marijuana you possess, sell or transport.
Mr. Alband, a former Fort Worth Felony Prosecutor for four years, is committed to providing his clients with the most effective and aggressive defense possible. It is our firm's mission to protect the legal rights of each of our clients and provide an aggressive and intelligent defense to their drug charges.
Penalties For Marijuana Crimes
If you are arrested for the use, possession, sale or distribution of any amount marijuana you may face heavy fines and months to years of jail time. Our experienced Fort Worth Drug Crimes Lawyer at The Alband Law Firm is here to help you protect your rights and provide you with a defense to your drug charges.
Even if you have a prescription for "medical marijuana" use from another state it will not prevent your arrest if you are found with marijuana in Texas. If you are caught with even a small amount up to a pound, your sentence can range from 6 months to 2 years in a state jail and a fine between $2000 and $10,000.
Experienced Drug Crimes Attorney
If you have no prior felony convictions, a judge must sentence you with a probation and drug treatment instead of jail time and he can reduce or waive the fines. Any subsequent charges have no such leniency; jail time and heavy fines are mandatory.
Once you give away or sell any amount of marijuana, the laws stiffen even further. There is no probation allowed at all and your jail time can double with the sale of even a single joint. Because the criminal punishments for marijuana are so severe for even small amounts of the drug, it is vital that you get the best legal representation possible.
If you are arrested for marijuana, contact a Fort Worth marijuana defense attorney immediately. Our firm is here to protect your rights and help you with the best defense against your charges.

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