Fort Worth Heroin Possession Defense Attorney
Have you been arrested for heroin possession?
Heroin is an illegal and dangerously addictive drug. Along with the painful effects of withdrawal, a user becomes insensitive to physical pain; they neglect the proper care and feeding of their own body and often will commit any sort of crime to procure their next fix. Because of the direct and intimate connection between heroin addiction and other crimes, police agencies at all levels pursue and prosecute heroin drug crimes quite vigorously.
If you have been arrested for possession or distribution of heroin you may face heavy fines and jail time. You need an experienced Fort Worth drug crimes attorney to represent you and defend you against the charges. Contact us at The Alband Law Firm to discuss your drug charges. Mr. Alband, a former Fort Worth Felony Prosecutor, is committed to providing you with the most effective and aggressive defense possible. We understand how far the police and prosecution will sometimes go to appear to be winning the "War on Drugs". It is our job to protect your legal rights and provide each of our clients with a thorough and intelligent defense and insure they do not suffer unnecessary or overzealous punishment.
Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth
It is vital to determine the circumstances surrounding your arrest. Were you stopped while in your vehicle and then searched and arrested or were you in your home or business? Were you informed on or under investigation for other reasons? These are all important issues to decide how to provide you with the best defense. Our office will review all the details of your arrest to see if any of your rights were violated.
It is also important to know that depending on the circumstances, we can suggest several types of alternative sentencing such as medical drug detox or other treatment programs. These can be done instead of jail time and can be much less damaging alternatives to jail time.
If you are charged with heroin related drug crime contact a Fort Worth heroin possession attorney at our law firm immediately. We will protect your rights and provide an aggressive defense in your behalf.

A member of our team will be in touch shortly to confirm your contact details or address questions you may have.