Grand Prairie Criminal Defense Lawyer
Criminal Charges
Criminal accusations can have many undesirable consequences, especially if you have been charged with a serious offense. In addition to the stress and worry about the outcome of your case, legal proceedings can create tension with family and friends, and may even result in the loss of your job.
We understand the pressure you are under, and will conduct a vigorous defense on your behalf. Our criminal defense attorney, Navid Alband, is a native of Texas who has successfully tried cases throughout the area. He is also a former prosecutor who is now firmly dedicated to representing the accused.
Our office provides experienced criminal defense, and can assist you with misdemeanors, felonies, federal criminal defense and juvenile criminal representation. If you have been charged with narcotics/drug crimes, domestic violence, DWI, fraud, theft or probation violations, contact our office at once for help. We will make sure all of your legal options are looked into and pursue the best course of action regarding your case.
Have you been arrested?
An arrest can be a frightening experience that can leave you with grave concerns about your future. One of the first steps that you should take is to seek qualified representation by an attorney that can protect your rights. It is easy to be taken advantage of when you are unfamiliar with the laws that pertain to your case or how the criminal justice system works. Our firm has provided skilled advocacy in criminal cases for clients from many diverse backgrounds and can give you legal advice that could make a difference in how your situation is resolved.
A conviction in a criminal matter can affect you for the rest of your life. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may be sentenced to jail, ordered to pay steep fines or lose your driving privileges. If you are found guilty of a felony, you could be incarcerated in a state prison for many years. We will provide an aggressive defense and attack the prosecution's evidence on every front. Our firm also provides assistance with bench warrants, warrants and appeals, as well as nondisclosures and expunctions.
If you are seeking legal advice regarding your arrest, contact a lawyer at The Alband Law Firm.

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